Does your partner’s past matter?(His past is his business)

I don’t care where he’s been... I just care where he’s going. So, unless there is a criminal record, a previous marriage, some hidden kids, a communicable disease or he wasn’t born a man, I could care less about a man’s history.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

I don’t care where he’s been... I just care where he’s going. So, unless there is a criminal record, a previous marriage, some hidden kids, a communicable disease or he wasn’t born a man, I could care less about a man’s history. In fact, the less I know the better. I wouldn’t be too happy to know that the guy I am dating once proposed to a girl then got cold feet and disappeared without so much as an apology. Or that he was once crowned the greatest Casanova that ever lived. If he doesn’t confirm his Casanova status around me, we’ll be good. Since all relationships are complicated, I have my own issues to deal with. I don’t need to add to my drama facts about his suicidal ex!I know two people sharing important parts of their past is important in a close relationship. However, don’t judge a person by their past but what they are today. I have the utmost respect for anyone that has taken past mistakes and learned something from them.Call me a fool for not questioning his past but judging him by what he did in the past is not only unfair but seriously not my place! He is not obliged to tell me anything prior to us. If a change for the better is clear to me, I’d be selfish to hound him about issues he had before he even met me!Sometimes people THINK they want to know the truth about a partner’s past but they don’t. Some women are strange; they literally nag a man into telling them every detail of their life, both relevant and irrelevant, and then threaten to bring the house down after they find out. If you can’t handle it, DO NOT ask! Ignorance can be blissful sometimes. It would be sheer bliss not to know that he was once truly madly deeply in love with a girl who eventually broke his heart. I’d hate to look at him and wonder if his love for me exceeded that.You can’t afford to live in the past, times are moving fast and it would be a shame to wake up one morning and realise your whole life passed you by while you were still stuck in the past!  If it really mattered that much, so many relationships wouldn’t be in existence today. Once it’s over, it stays over and in the past. Move on.