Rwandan Police Officers in Haiti decorated

The United Nations Peacekeeping Mission in Haiti, yesterday, awarded 160 Rwandan Police Officers for exhibiting outstanding performance.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

The United Nations Peacekeeping Mission in Haiti, yesterday, awarded 160 Rwandan Police Officers for exhibiting outstanding performance.

The event that was graced by a medal parade saw the officers decorated with medals and awarded certificates.

Nigel Fisher, the Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary General, presided over the ceremony and praised the Rwandan government for its contribution to bringing peace in Haiti.

Rwanda has 469 Police Peacekeeper around the world. Some are deployed in Haiti, Sudan, South Sudan, Ivory- Coast and Liberia. The UN Mission in Haiti is abbreviated as MINUSTAH.

Fisher commended the Rwandans for their great efforts in crowd disposal, humanitarian activities, road rehabilitation among others.

He noted that the Rwandan Police contingent performed to its expectations and that their significant achievements build credibility for MINUSTAH and Rwanda in particular. 

This contingent was deployed on September 27, 2012 to bring peace and stability in the Caribbean country. They will be replaced this month as another team also prepares to be deployed in Mali. Formed Police Unit (FPU) contingent for the FPU, among others, provides humanitarian assistance, conduct patrols, VIP protection and key installations.

They mainly also help in crowd control and provide security for Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs).