Ask the Doctor

I am in my first trimester of pregnancy and very excited because it’s my first baby. However my appetite is high and unlike other women, I seem to like everything. Could there be certain foods pregnant women should avoid? What are they?

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

I am in my first trimester of pregnancy and very excited because it’s my first baby. However my appetite is high and unlike other women, I seem to like everything. Could there be certain foods pregnant women should avoid? What are they?

Grace K, Samuduha

Dear Grace, 

Congratulations on your first pregnancy and hope all goes well for you. Increased appetite is normal during pregnancy and the majority of women are affected by it. Normally during the first three months of pregnancy, due to nausea and or vomiting, women are unable to eat properly and may even lose some weight as a result. This is the time when the body of the baby is formed.

From the fourth month onwards, the growth of the baby commences and the growing child needs and demands more nutrition, hence the increased appetite. This is also one of the factors that result in increased weight during pregnancy. 

Regarding likes and dislikes during pregnancy, many women develop all kinds of food fads.  Some of them are very bizarre. For the majority of them, there is no explanation. But some perversions like eating clay or mud are said to occur due to the woman’s deficiency of iron and calcium, for which there is increased demand during pregnancy. Due to food fads or perversions, some women are unable to even stand the sight or smell of certain kinds of food substances, affecting their health and nutrition.

In your case, it is good that you are able to relish all types of food and have no aversion to anything. But you have to be careful about the quantity, timings and choice of food taken. Eating one or two times in huge quantities will put a load on the belly which already has less space due to the growing baby.

This will cause a bloating and burning sensation. Hence it is better to take small meals, three or four times per day. Take food that is balanced and nutritious. As the demand for calcium and iron increases during this period naturally occurring food substances like green vegetables, yellow fruits, milk and milk products should meet it.

Plenty of fibre in the food ensures regular bowel movement otherwise constipation can be harmful during pregnancy. Green vegetables, fresh fruits, whole grains and cereals, milk and milk products and fish are all important for a pregnant woman. Avoid consuming fried substances as they do not have any nutrition and are also bad for digestion.

As such, medically there is no restriction on any kind of food during pregnancy.  You can eat whatever you like. Just make sure it is nutritious and avoid putting on a lot of weight.  Locally in every community there are certain kinds of food substances that are prohibited during pregnancy. This depends on local traditions and customs based on past experiences of people. Regarding that issue any elderly woman in your community will guide you.

Dr Rachna Pande is Specialist - Internal Medicine Ruhengeri Hospital.