Should I leave my moody boyfriend?

I’ve been dating this guy for three years now. He has very bad mood swings and it’s like I am a burden to him in ways I don’t understand. But I love him and want to keep this relationship going though he makes it hard.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

I’ve been dating this guy for three years now. He has very bad mood swings and it’s like I am a burden to him in ways I don’t understand. But I love him and want to keep this relationship going though he makes it hard. I feel like I should leave him and teach him a lesson but the other part of me says he needs another chance (like the hundredth chance now). Should I move on or punish him? I have talked to him and he always promises to change.  

Kaitesi, 26

Unless you’re emotionally strong and can deal with this, leaving him is one great decision because if you don’t, sooner or later you’ll be in the same boat with him. I understand that you love him, but should he keep this behaviour up, which juging from you’ve said, he will, I suggest you move on and let him deal with his mood swings.

He has no right to take out whatever is bothering him on you. A decent man talks to his woman and tells her what’s wrong - he doesn’t just give her the cold shoulder. Don’t let happiness be sucked right out of you. Choose not to go down with him. 

You should get rid of him and create new opportunities for love and respect with someone else. You deserve better, the best life has to offer. You deserve a happy life so move on and find that Prince Charming, who truly deserves you and will treat you right. He is out there somewhere!

Martin, 29, single


My dear, life is short and you are too young to be miserable. If a guy behaves like a chameleon then just let him go. Yes it will hurt but staying isn’t worth it. 

His monotonous character shows how much he takes you for granted. The one thing that keeps any relationship strong is the ability to sacrifice some thing for your significant other, but if he just does it momentarily and gets back to his rude and mean ways then dump him. 

I know it seems hard to let go since you’ve been together that long but trust me there are guys out there that will treasure your love and patience more than he is doing. 

The fact that you keep forgiving him even when he doesn’t change shows the level of attention that he pays to your feelings. He knows that you will always be there and you will always forgive him. Well, I guess it’s time to show him that time’s up and you deserve better. 

Patrick,21, in stable relationship


Before I can answer the question I must reiterate this fact. You should not allow anyone to physically or mentally abuse you. No matter how much he professes to love you and asks for second chances. So, if he is, during his bad moods, attacking you, leave him and if need be, report him to the police. 

If you feel that the entire relationship is about him having sour moods and you dealing with them, then I advise you to call it quits. Especially if he isn’t dealing with any issues. 

Some people are moody and it sounds like you are tired of it all. However, if his mood swings are every so often then I urge caution. Have you asked him what causes his bad moods? Is it his job? Family issues? Talk to him about it.

But if deep down you don’t believe that he will change then you have two options. Either take it or leave 

Lincoln,32, lives with his girfriend