Men really do not understand

This is not to say women have completely figured men out, but let’s be honest, I think we are doing okay. However, during a recent conversation with a man friend, I realised men have never been so far away from the truth.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

This is not to say women have completely figured men out, but let’s be honest, I think we are doing okay. However, during a recent conversation with a man friend, I realised men have never been so far away from the truth.

We were talking about the different levels of PMS for women. The number one mistake he made was thinking that what the biology books state was exactly how it was. So all the random tears and sudden anger was overreaction and his lady calling wolf?

We corrected him on that saying that firstly, PMS was different depending on women and depending on the month. One month could be all flowers and the next month could be horrible because different factors affect PMS.

Secondly, PMS doesn’t just end in the few days before your period starts. For some women these symptoms can continue throughout the period and even while they are ovulating. You cannot characterize and limit it to a few days so be try to understand where she is coming from and what she is experiencing.

Thirdly, never think a woman is enjoying what is going on with her body. Personally, I hate the mood swings. I am usually not a big cry baby and have learnt to keep my emotions in check however let those days roll through and I’m a hot mess.

From tears over the smallest thing to being so rude and angry that I do not even know where the anger comes from. I’m quite fortunate not to be the type of woman who has to drug herself up from the pain or end up in the hospital every other month but these mood swings are horrible.

I actually catch myself asking where all this anger bubbling inside of me comes from. Then add other factors like a stressful job, bad diet, lack of exercise and lack of sleep and you have a woman you really do not want to be around.

I am not asking the men in our lives to tiptoe around us but it would be appreciated if they could try to at least understand what we are going through and not read us like a biology book. We are not crying for attention and would rather we didn’t have to go through this but this is the beauty of our bodies and you must learn to live with them and not run away from us.

I respect the men who do take the moments to understand us and try to compromise during this time, because you are realising our bodies are reacting to the hormones that we really have no control over no matter how hard we try. Have you ladies ever had a conversation with your guy friends about PMS?