Parents or children; who should decide a child’s career choice

Editor, parents and families should be more receptive to the varying dreams and goals of students. Youngsters no longer believe traditional proffessional courses like law, engineering and the like are the keys to their future.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013


Parents and families should be more receptive to the varying dreams and goals of students. Youngsters no longer believe traditional proffessional courses like law, engineering and the like are the keys to their future.

We all know the spectrum has broadened and that might be the problem; the conflict between what the parent’s generation believes is the direct path to the throne of success and what today’s generation have chosen to venture into. Let’s speak of the social sciences, creative arts, even linguistics for that matter. 

Let’s not see them as petty non-productive choices and don’t invest in them big time but also believe in them while of course making sure that the ones who go into the more traditional disciplines – law, medicine, engineering, etc – go into them with full focus, full motivation and importantly full ability. In short, full force versus dragging.


Reaction to Education Times’ story, "What to consider before you choose a programme”, (The New Times, June 13)