Eliminate harmful social practices affecting children

Editor, my appreciation goes to Minister Oda Gasinzigwa for her call to combat child labour. However, it’s so sad that the call is silent about the globally agreed theme of the Day of African Child (DAC) – “Eliminating Social Harmful Practices Affecting Children”!

Wednesday, June 19, 2013
A young boy with u201cimyotsou201d. This is a harmful social practice which should be discouraged. Net photo.


My appreciation goes to Minister Oda Gasinzigwa for her call to combat child labour. However, it’s so sad that the call is silent about the globally agreed theme of the Day of African Child (DAC) – "Eliminating Social Harmful Practices Affecting Children”!

Would anyone argue that, deep in the villages of Rulindo, Gakenke and Musanze, removal of milk teeth, commonly known as "ibyinyo”, cutting the back lower palate or "ibirimi” and cutting the skin on the back, belly and forefront, "imyotso” are no longer practiced?

The Day of the African Child (DAC)has been established to serve as a platform to address issues specifically affecting the African children and our ministries should dig deep in the Rwandan culture and find cultural responses to issues affecting the Rwandan children. 

Child Rights Activist, KigaliRwanda

Reaction to the story, "Gender minister calls for joint efforts to combat child labour”, (The New Times, June 15)