Senior six; the innocent victim

Unexpectedly, Senior 6, the highest level in academics at my school became the victim of the day. Previously, at my school we had an inter-classes football competition, where all classes happily participated and battled for the trophy and well, after two weeks of the tournament, only two teams could play at the finals.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Unexpectedly, Senior 6, the highest level in academics at my school became the victim of the day. Previously, at my school we had an inter-classes football competition, where all classes happily participated and battled for the trophy and well, after two weeks of the tournament, only two teams could play at the finals. Although there were no guns or dangerous weapons used on the field it was clearly a war that only the best prepared would win and carry the day. Apparently the perfect teams made it unexpectedly through to the finals and that were; S.3 as the White Warriors Vs S.6, the Red Warriors. To the masses one team was not happily welcomed on the finals and their true colors had to be shown on the final match. That was last Friday at 3:00pm when the victorious teams warmly hit the ground. But what was amazing was the massive presence of supporters which had never happened before to find a game that has literally attracted the attention of the whole school including almost all the teachers and administrators as well.As the witness, few minutes after the game had started, the S.3 striker tremendously scored their first goal and to my surprise, all the students watching the game particularly the teachers and administrators rose in air in an extreme celebration mood all in favor of the S.3 team. To my poor guys in a surprised and confused situation, the S.6 team players immediately realized that they strongly don’t have supporters at all other than their few classmates and that was really obvious to everyone around.To me, that picture immediately attracted a big question mark in my mind as to why many were not in favour of S.6? And so I went over and talked to some fellows to reveal to me the secret behind it; a S.2 student gave the answer that at the end was obvious to many other fellows. He quoted "those guys in S.6 consider themselves as super humans and we dislike that” the game ended with two goals for S.3 thus walking home with a trophy and thirty thousand as  sponsored by Ant-malaria club.Unfortunately, S.6 the big class at high school became the innocent victim of the day and it was obvious that they did not lose because they played badly but simply lost the game due to the fact that they were out competed due to lack of supporters. Well, that was the mood at my school.The writer is a student at Kagarama S.S in Form 6HEG