The mindset that women should depend on men is obsolete

Editor,First of all, I really appreciate your hit-the-nail-on-the-head move. Second, I am in no place to have big opinions on the marriage issue since I am too young to consider it yet.

Monday, June 17, 2013

Editor,First of all, I really appreciate your hit-the-nail-on-the-head move. Second, I am in no place to have big opinions on the marriage issue since I am too young to consider it yet.However, I do agree with your main concern: Sense of independence and responsibility. Today, young ladies need to see themselves beyond the stereotypes and more as what we really are: Valuable, and in fact, necessary contributors to the family in every aspect.The notion that we are to be entirely dependent on men for our livelihood is not only obsolete but is also losing feasibility fast. So, unless of course you feel you might die if you don’t run off to your "happily ever after” whatever that looks like, it’s only logical that you wait for suitable financial and emotional stability.Good luck

Natasha, USAReaction to Women Today’s story, "Don’t fool yourself girl; if you don’t have money, you can’t talk”, (The New Times, June 13)