Police take fire-fighting drills to districts

Police Fire Fighting Brigade have embarked on training of  residents in fire fighting skills at district level. The exercise that attracted hundreds of residents at various sites, including in Rwamagana District, was attended by students, workers in manufacturing plants, businesspersons and local leaders.

Monday, June 17, 2013
An officer from the Police Fire Brigade watches as a resident demonstrates how to fight fire. The New Times/ S. Rwembeho.

Police Fire Fighting Brigade have embarked on training of  residents in fire fighting skills at district level.The exercise that attracted hundreds of residents at various sites, including in Rwamagana District, was attended by students, workers in manufacturing plants, businesspersons and local leaders.Addressing residents shortly before the commencement of the practical exercise in Rwamagana, Supt. Richard Rubagumya, Rwamagana District Police Commande, said the exercise was timely.Rubagumya said the training was arranged after the department found out that fire outbreaks are becoming an issue in many areas of the country."These drills are not time wastage. Businesspersons may be counting hours spent waiting for the training at this playground but remember that fire can within minutes reduce to zero whatever you have spent years building,” he said.Residents in some districts had to wait for hours, as the specialised police officers had a heavy schedule to cover as many districts as possible in one day.Emmanuel Ndahayo, a resident, said the training was important, noting that many people do not know how to operate the fire extinguishers they own.He said in case of fire outbreak in homes or business centres, residents only look on as buildings burn to ashes."It is a sad reality and indeed a self mockery that the fire extinguishers we have in our cars, are there only to show traffic police that we have all the requirements. I can confess that I have one, but cannot use it if my car caught fire. I share this ignorance with thousands of Rwandans, so the training was long overdue,” he said.124 fire outbreaks recorded      Police said since last year, they have recorded 124 cases of fire outbreaks across the country. The numbers were made public last Friday in another firefighting drill held in Muhanga district.The week-long campaign, held under the theme, "Police-Public Partnership for Sustainable Security,” started last week.According to Police, property worth billions of francs was destroyed in the fires which gutted shops, bars, night clubs, schools and residential houses.At the Muhanga function, residents were taught how to use fire extinguishers and some people within the public were invited to demonstrate what they learnt.The commander of the Force’s fire fighting brigade, Jean de Dieu Gashiramanga, also trained participants on how to control fire using different techniques including water and sand among others. He urged the population to be careful when keeping and handling inflammable objects and liquids, including matches, candle sticks and petrol.Gashiramanga also called up on them to ensure that their electrical installations are in good state and urged car owners to always make sure their extinguishers are in a state of being used.Firefighting vehicles                                       Amb. Valens Munyabagisha, the permanent secretary in the Ministry of Internal Security, said it is imperative for business owners and the public in general to install fire extinguishers in their property so as to be prepared to deal with fire in case of an outbreak."That would allow you to be prepared in case of any disaster,” he said.Police Spokesperson Theos Badege said efforts are being made to post at least one fire-fighting vehicle in every province to ensure a quick and timely response in case of fire outbreak.However, he warned that even if this dream is met, it still will not be enough to guarantee timely response to combat fires. He called upon the public to have fire-fighting gadgets.Police Commissioner for Operations George Rumanzi said the campaign will help the public acquire basic skills in managing fire outbreaks to limit damages.