The world has got a raw deal from ICTR

Editor, I have never been one of those believing the ICTR represented more than a vehicle for featherbedding the international legal and pseudo human rights purveyors.

Sunday, June 16, 2013
Olivier Nduhungirehe, Rwandau2019s acting chargu00e9 du2019affaires at the Security Council. The New Times/ File.

Editor, I have never been one of those believing the ICTR represented more than a vehicle for featherbedding the international legal and pseudo human rights purveyors.

It also seemed like a charade to look as if the masters of the universe were concerned to give teeth to the 1948 Genocide Convention, even when the victims were black Africans and the Genocide’s enabling Power was a member of that excusive Western Club that has arrogated itself the exclusive right to determine what is acceptable and what is not across the globe.I nevertheless hoped that my cynicism would turn out to be misplaced.The actual performance of this boondoogle, especially as it relates to the recent decisions of its Appelate Bench, has shown that, if anything, my suspicions of the truly nefarious mission of this so-called court were in fact more than justified.Billions of US dollars later the only real winners of this misbegotten "court” are the legal profession, the army of administrators, interpretors and translators, the jail guards and their wards as well as the city of Arusha.The losers are justice, the victims and survivors of the Genocide against the Tutsi, Rwandans deprived of true justice and the global taxpayers who had to foot a hefty bill for very little in return.Mwene KalindaReactions to the story, " Kigali registers more concerns over ICTR", ( The New Times June 15)