Youth are at the forefront of Rwanda’s development

Today, President Paul Kagame will meet students from around the country at Petit Stade Amahoro beginning at nine in the morning to interact with and talk to them. This interaction called ‘Meet the President’ follows the inaugural event that took place in December 2012. 

Friday, June 14, 2013

Today, President Paul Kagame will meet students from around the country at Petit Stade Amahoro beginning at nine in the morning to interact with and talk to them. This interaction called ‘Meet the President’ follows the inaugural event that took place in December 2012. 

During the meeting, the President will answer questions that young people have and talk to them about the challenges that Rwanda faces and their role in solving them.This conversation is something that should be lauded and then emulated by other leaders around the country. The only way that we shall be able to tackle the challenges that this country faces is if the youth are at the forefront of the solutions. Supporting the young as they grow into their roles as the leaders of tomorrow through mentorship and skills-building programmes is only one of the ways that we can ensure that they are ready. We need also to spend time with them, simply talking and interacting with them, and making sure that their voices are heard. Youth employment and productivity has been allocated Rwf163 bilion in this year’s national budget. This amount of money that the government has set aside reveals just how essential the youth are to the present and future economy of the country.  Our jobs as parents and leaders is to make sure that we prepare them the best we can.