Butare Hospital gets new director

The Ministry of Health has appointed a substantive replacement for Dr André Musemakweli to head Butare  University Teaching Hospital (CHUB).

Friday, June 14, 2013

The Ministry of Health has appointed a substantive replacement for Dr André Musemakweli to head Butare University Teaching Hospital (CHUB). Last week, Dr Agnes Binagwaho, the minister for health, appointed Dr Augustin Sendegeya to head the Huye-based referral hospital in acting capacity. Dr Sendegeya, an otolaryngologist (ear-nose-and-throat specialist), boasts of a 10-year experience at the hospital and has been heading the otorhinolaryngology department since last year. The appointment came only a day after the health minister decried poor hygiene at the hospital.Dr Binagwaho, who was on a working tour at the hospital, last week, expressed disappointment over what she said was "deplorable and unacceptable hygiene” at the hospital. A source at the hospital told this paper that the decision to drop Dr Musemakweli, who has headed the hospital since 2010, caught many by surprise. The source, who wished not to be identified, said there is a ‘remarkable change over how things used to go and everyone seems to be much more concerned with hygiene than it used to be’. "The visit has been an eye opener for the employees,” the newly-appointed substantive director said. New priorities Dr Sendegeya assumed office on Monday and is expected to invigorate the hospital’s image. In an interview with this paper on Wednesday, Dr Sendegeya said he will work with other staff members to correct the past mistakes. "We have already started improving where there is need,” he stated. He said his leadership will work towards improving the state of hygiene and sanitation within the hospital, improve the quality of services as well as maintain and strengthen relations between employees themselves and between them with patients. Dr Sendegeya also said he will promote the culture of ‘accountability, team work and time management’ within the health facility. "We are well aware that the task assigned to us is not easy and will require us to make sacrifices, but we shall not relent,” he said. Dr Sendegeya added that since he assumed office, he met with all staff and agreed that it should be everyone’s responsibility to maintain a conducive environment at the facility, a referral hospital for 13 districts.