Libyans to expand Umubano Hotel

Libya’s commitment to inject funds into the renovation of Umubano Hotel is timely, but works should commence immediately, the Minister for Trade and Industry, Francois Kanimba, has said.

Friday, June 14, 2013

Libya’s commitment to inject funds into the renovation of Umubano Hotel is timely, but works should commence immediately, the Minister for Trade and Industry, Francois Kanimba, has said. The development comes on the back of a City of Kigali ultimatum to the hotel’s management, Soprotel Ltd, to renovate the facility by the end of this month or be closed. Umubano Hotel is co-owned by government, with 40 per cent shares, and the Libyan government (60 per cent). The hotel’s renovation had been suspended because of lack of funds when the North African country faced a revolution that ousted former President Muammar Gadhaffi. A delegation headed by the representative of Libyan Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, Aly Milad Albaswir, jetted into the country, this week, to discuss the way forward for the hotel. In their discussions with Kanimba, yesterday, Baswir said on top of a renovation fund of $10 million (Rwf6.5 billion), Libya had a long-term strategy to also massively expand Umubano’s structure from 80 to 240 rooms. "Total investments will be approximately $22 million, including renovation and expansion. The renovation process will start this month, while expansion by constructing another wing will be a long-term strategy that will be completed in 2020,” Baswir said.Bigger plans"We are looking at all the required national, regional and international standards and want to make Umubano the best five-star hotel in Rwanda. When complete, it will have a classic but modern look with a presidential suite and a stylish executive wing.” Kanimba welcomed the decision, saying it was timely, since government had began considering other options such as looking for private investors to take on the renovation role. "The hotel is in bad shape yet it is in a prime location designated for a five-star hotel. This is why government was frustrated when no funds were coming in,” Kanimba said. "I am confident this commitment from Libya will be implemented to fit into the vision we have for that area.” The minister also advised the delegation to hire top quality managers to improve Umubano’s services, saying that "Rwanda’s tourism sector is challenged by poor management of hotels.” The delegation is also scheduled to meet with top officials from the Ministry of Finance and Rwanda Development Board.