Open your eyes…YOU are the side dish

When it gets really cold and I cannot go to my favourite bar I bring the bar to me. I usually invite all my girls and talk about boys but last weekend I made an exception; after exams I decided that I could do with some boys around.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

When it gets really cold and I cannot go to my favourite bar I bring the bar to me. I usually invite all my girls and talk about boys but last weekend I made an exception; after exams I decided that I could do with some boys around. Never have I been so glad to gossip with boys- damn! Men have so much to say about relationships and after a few beers- they just won’t shut up. Anyway, this one guy decided to run his mouth off uncontrollably and came clean about his two girlfriends. Kind of reminds me of that Ugandan dude in Big Brother the Chase- the one that thought he would remain in the house because he was playing two babes. Pathetic I must say.Anyway, when I went to bed that night, I thought about what this guy had said and I realised that sometimes, women stay with a guy and do not even notice that they are the ones he is cheating with. But after carefully thinking about it, it downed on me that I might have at one time been a side dish without realising it.I realized that for the four years I had dated the scum bug, I had never been introduced to his friends or relatives. It was always just the two of us and indoors at that - now if a man isn’t willing to show you off to his friends or take you out to public places run honey, run.That was not all. How in God’s name do I explain the random last minute calls wanting to hook up? What? Do I not have a life too? Then it all came to me that night- the last minute plans could only mean one thing; his real girlfriend cancelled on him and now he had time for me. By now you know where you stand, are you the side dish or not? My advice to all the ‘side dishes’ out there is, Get out of it! It is a complete waste of time and really heart breaking but if you are aware that you are a side dish and you carry on cheating with that man, then you are a sad, sad specimen of a female.