Teachers are the ones that set standards

Dear editor, Of recent, there was a lot of scandals arising from the mismanagement of funds in high-class secondary schools. This has left teachers in a critical situation where they are questioning there value as teachers.

Monday, July 07, 2008

Dear editor,

Of recent, there was a lot of scandals arising from the mismanagement of funds in high-class secondary schools. This has left teachers in a critical situation where they are questioning there value as teachers.

I believe the work done by teachers especially in such secondary schools is very vital in that they have students of all sorts. These kids need to be trained in both academic as well as socially good manners.

In this case, where the administration of the school mismanages the funds, things completely go wrong. For every work done and service provided as an established business, the board members and owners should be able to pay its workers.

Whether there are internal conflicts and misunderstandings, its of no importance to the teachers and students. The students pay school fees, teachers deliver their services and the administration and school owner pays for the services provided.

This is a cycle that should be maintained for the smooth running of any school and if it is broken, the whole system automatically collapses. Usually the students and teachers play their part but school administrations fail to perform. This is where the problem comes in.

Teachers should be paid and not treated as unimportant because they are the ones who set the schools standard.
