Would you forgive someone that left you at the altar?(Why not? )

Why would I keep the grudge for a lifetime? After all it won’t help me; bitterness in my heart will only make me suffer a lot. I believe if someone acts wrong and you respond by being mean or being vengeful it won’t make the person realise they did wrong.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Why would I keep the grudge for a lifetime? After all it won’t help me; bitterness in my heart will only make me suffer a lot. I believe if someone acts wrong and you respond by being mean or being vengeful it won’t make the person realise they did wrong.  I think the best lesion is if I forgive you and show you that life can move on after what you have done. Trust me, this will be the best lesson because it will make them sit and think about what kind of person I am to forgive so easily. It shall be the ultimate proof that good people still exist.As the Bible teaches in Colossians 3:13, ‘Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you’.I believe that challenging those who’ve hurt you in a positive way shows them that you were ‘one of a kind’; refuse to sit in the ruins of your relationship crying, waiting for people to pity you. Instead will wake up and move on with a new mindset.Honestly, dating a guy for years and then being jilted at the altar is the worst experience ever. It would take me some time to accept all the embarrassment, pain and betrayal. After all that though I would forgive him. One thing I know is that if I didn’t forgive the guy it would affect me because I would be allowing pain, hatred and grief to grow in my heart. This would hinder my future love life because it would make me bitter, believing that all guys are the same.In order to overcome the heartbreaking tragedy one should first forgive him to set your heart free. This is why I say that it’s a choice and a process. I would be a huge liar if I said I would wake up one morning and decide to forgive. Instead I would practice it in my heart and speak it within my heart until the time my heart would fully accepted my decision.I consider a person who can never forgive like someone who hasn’t made peace with what has already happened. Sometimes the process of forgiveness is never easy because it looks like you have given up but in the actual sense you have accepted healing.