Would you forgive someone that left you at the altar?(Not even in the next lifetime! )

A Christian family raised me and taught me that it’s important to forgive because you will live peacefully. It’s also a fact that Jesus asked us to forgive our brothers and sisters, as we want to be forgiven.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

A Christian family raised me and taught me that it’s important to forgive because you will live peacefully. It’s also a fact that Jesus asked us to forgive our brothers and sisters, as we want to be forgiven. I can forgive someone who steals my money, or one who picks my jewellery and takes it but one who takes my heart and tosses it up in the air and later drops it to break I’m sorry to say, I can’t forgive them. I believe or I was raised to think that before a couple decides to walk down the aisle, they have to go through several steps before the ‘I do session’. If they develop ‘cold feet’ (getting scared of the whole commitment) they don’t have to wait to decide and call it quits on the wedding day. First and foremost it’s humiliating and time wasting for you, your family and friends. If organizing a wedding is time consuming, hectic and expensive, why would one want me to go through all that trouble and later leave me stranded at the altar ‘husbandless’? And you then expect me to forgive you? Not even in the next lifetime!If it’s hard to forgive someone that breaks up with you during a movie night when it’s just the two of you, honestly speaking how can you forgive someone who actually makes you the town’s laughingstock as well as a source for gossip for the next several years. In fact the best advice I would get would be to forget this heartless person and scrap them from my life and heart rather than even wasting my time trying to think of how I should forgive them. The question is, did they actually care how I would feel when they decided not to show up on one of the most memorable and special days of my life? I pray that people should first think of the consequences of their actions before they try to seek for forgiveness after hurting you or ripping your heart in pieces. If just the thought or assumption of being left altar can creates this rage in my heart while writing this debate, God forbid, I can’t actually imagine what I would do or be capable of doing if I was to experience this traumatizing incident. Another question to ask is, ‘why would this person humiliate me this badly when they had all the time in life to actually call it quits before wedding day’? I have only seen the event of leaving someone at the aisle while watching the movie ‘The Proposal’ by Sandra Bullock and Ryan Reynolds but its something I would not wish anyone to experience in real life.