Ngoma teachers demand Frw64m in salary arrears

EASTERN PROVINCE NGOMA — Local leaders should always maintain proper records to enable them tally their achievements against their targets, the Minister in-charge of East African Community has said.

Monday, July 07, 2008


NGOMA — Local leaders should always maintain proper records to enable them tally their achievements against their targets, the Minister in-charge of East African Community has said.

Monica Mukaruriza also urged leaders to always follow up pledges made by various visiting officials. She was yesterday addressing sector Executive Secretaries at Ngoma district.

"You tend to relax to follow up what people promise you and this should be your first priority after the promise has been made,” she said.

The minister’s visit aimed at assessing the district progress in attaining Vision 2020, and the resettlement programme of vulnerable groups.

The newly-appointed minister, who’s also charged with Ngoma district also wanted to establish the district’s challenges.

There are over 400 vulnerable people who are yet to be settled, according to authorities. During the meeting, sector leaders pointed out water shortages, as among the eminent problems facing residents.

In response, however, the minister observed that the water problem cuts across almost all districts countrywide.
She explained that a new company was set up to find ways of tackling the problem.

"There is nothing that can be done by the residents if they don’t have water,” she said.

It also emerged that the district owes area teachers salary arrears amounting to Frw64 million. But the district vice mayor in-charge of social affairs Josephine Mutesayire, said that the district is working to see how to sort out the debts.

Money meant for paying health insurance (mutuelle de sante) for the vulnerable, Mutesayire said is another district challenge because the Ministry of Health has not released any money to the effect since the beginning of the year.

In reaction, Mukaruriza said: "Such complaints should be raised before the budget is released. It would now be hard if it was not included in the budget. But I will talk to the ministry concerned to see if it can be worked upon.”

She called on the district to support the private sector, urging them to focus on the growing of specialized crops allocated to the district. Coffee, banana, pineapple and rice were the crops chosen.
