Rwamagana gets face lift

EASTERN PROVINCE RWAMAGANA — The district has started to refurbish and repaint old houses in order to give Rwamagana town a new face lift.

Monday, July 07, 2008


RWAMAGANA — The district has started to refurbish and repaint old houses in order to give Rwamagana town a new face lift.

Moving around the town, right from Arret, via Buswahirini and back to Perage, almost all houses are under intensive renovation.

The process involves changing the old roof tops and replacing them with modern ones, construction of verandas, floors, and balcones and repainting with new colours. 

"The current renovation and rehabilitation of Rwamagana town gives it a new facelift,” Valens Ntezirembo, the district Mayor told The New Times.

He said the current development aims at revamping towns and trading centers  in line with government’s integrated development programme.

Asked about the time limit of the renovation and rehabilitation exercise, Ntezirembo said a meeting of sector leaders with landlords, and bank officials set August 30.

However, he noted that the exercise could be continuous and urged residents to be cooperative and supportive. The process has attracted the attention of town dwellers as revealed by the accompanying excitement.

"Rwamagana is set to become a wonderful city,” a resident who gave his name as Abudalaziz said. Like wise tenants especially traders are optimistic the changes would add life to their businesses.

"I believe there will be a boom in my business after this renovation,” a trader said.  He added, "Business in not going on well because of the dust and inconveniences during this rehabilitation, but we shall endure it in order to reap much after.” 

Despite of the expenses involved, the landlords alike are optimistic and do appreciate the refurbishment exercise.

"When I renovate and or rehabilitate my house, I know am adding value to it. Unlike before when we could build houses without plans, now we are in modern times and we should style up our houses,” Benoi Muhanguzi one of the prominent landlords said.
