Remedy for constipation during pregnancy

During the first trimester of pregnancy, some women get constipated a lot more than usual due to the slowing down of the intestines caused by higher levels of hormone progesterone causing muscle contractions.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

During the first trimester of pregnancy, some women get constipated a lot more than usual due to the slowing down of the intestines caused by higher levels of hormone progesterone causing muscle contractions.

The extra iron one gets from their prenatal vitamin also results into uncomfortable constipation and gas that keeps one feeling bloated throughout your pregnancy, according to the Baby Centre.

Some of the causes of constipation include insufficient amounts of fiber in one’s diet, inadequate fluid intake and the lack of physical activity or exercising.

According to Agatha Mutamba, a midwife at the Rwanda Military Hospital, foods rich in fibers help a great deal in dealing with constipation.

"Expecting mothers should have some fruits, juice, water or vegetables prepared as a side dish while having their meals”, she advises.

"Once you drink enough and eat foods rich in fiber then you will be able to get rid of constipation. Also cutting down on refined foods can be helpful. Pregnancy shouldn’t be an excuse for being a couch potato, you should still keep your body active for physical and mental fitness,” she adds.

Exercising frequently such as through aerobics, swimming and walking will ease digestion thus preventing constipation.

So the ground rules here are eating fiber rich foods, drinking enough fluids and keeping fit.