Liberation Day celebrations successful — Mayor

WESTERN PROVINCE KARONGI — The turn out for this year’s Liberation Day celebrations in Karongi District was impressive, the district Mayor has said.

Monday, July 07, 2008


KARONGI — The turn out for this year’s Liberation Day celebrations in Karongi District was impressive, the district Mayor has said.

Bernard Kayumba said this at Home St John where he hosted local leaders to be briefed on how the celebrations transpired at different Cells.

"The villages (Imidugudu) led their people to the Cells (for the celebrations) and reports reaching me even from places I haven’t managed to reach are wonderful,” he said.

He noted that all activities in Karongi will in future be organised at cell levels. And said that a week back, at a separate function, he had been disappointed by the turn-up in the stadium and cautioned the leaders.

Compared to last year’s liberation day, hundreds of people thronged the Cell headquarters for the celebrations and subsequent feast.

Speaking at the occasion, the Mayor cautioned residents against undermining their capacities but to use the available resources to build the country.

"It’s high time we woke up and stopped sleeping over our abilities,” said the Mayor.

Kayumba asked the leaders not to take the liberation for granted but to know that they are the medicine and solution to each problem that their country has.

"The strength of the country depends on the people and how they perceive and act in every situation,” said the Mayor, stressing that it was not wise for Karongi residents to sit back, relax and wait for external aid yet there were enormous tasks ahead.

He called upon the local leaders to accept responsibility knowing that they would be answerable to both God and the government incase they misused their responsibilities.

"Unless you have no goals, but the country has them,” he said.

Kayumba added that falling down wasn’t a problem provided one was capable of standing again, to continue with the journey.

"It’s high time we competed at Cell levels in everything,” he said. He warned the business community against evading taxes, saying they were hampering the district development.

Kayumba urged leaders to act more than they talk, "that’s how people will adopt your actions.”

Sudi Uwombonye Hirwa, the head of the Kibuye Court urged residents to fight genocide ideology, corruption and embrace government development policies.

"Liberation means becoming good citizens, who attend gacaca, and follow all healthy plans,” said Hirwa. He urged parents to ensure well-upbringing of children and enroll them for quality education.

Meanwhile, over 500 ex-convicts who turned up for Liberation Day celebrations at the Chinese camping site in Kibuye, thanked the government for pardoning and releasing them.

They promised to embrace all government policies. "We are happy that we are outside jail regardless of what we did and we promise maximum co-operation even during the voting,” said one who spoke on their behalf.

In response, the mayor advised people to vote wisely basing on people’s capability to serve rather than basing on ethnicity.
