Karongi residents commission new road

WESTERN PROVINCE KIBUYE — Residents of Maryohe village (Mudugudu), Karongi district  last week commissioned a newly built road that links the area to Kanyabusaji village.

Monday, July 07, 2008


KIBUYE — Residents of Maryohe village (Mudugudu), Karongi district  last week commissioned a newly built road that links the area to Kanyabusaji village.

The ceremony was part of the Liberation Day celebrations last Friday during which locals displayed variety of their achievements over the years.

The 5km Maryohe- Kanyabusaji road had broken down and it was repaired using funding from the Rural Poverty Eradication Programme (Ubudehe).

"This is promising because I recall this road in a very bad impassable state,” said the area leader. The leader advised Maryohe residents to take good care of the road and know what it had cost them to construct it.

During the same occasion, residents unveiled newly constructed public toilets in the area. They also indicated that they had helped one vulnerable resident to set up a small income generating project.

Karutete village displayed a well built house constructed for one elderly disabled man identified as Rwemera. The house is in its finishing stage.

"I’m grateful that today has been a day for me to be liberated….through being given a house,” the man said.

Eto Nyakigezi village disclosed that they were soon opening a Sports School built by residents in the area. In their report, they said domestic violence which had been prevalent in the area had reduced by 65%.

Other achievements for Nyakigezi included; inauguration of a dancing troupe and helping one poor woman set up small business that enabled her to buy a goat that was given out to yet another poor person.

"We look forward to helping many people by the next Liberation Day considering the theme,” said Joseph Musabyimana, the Nyakigezi village leader.

In the meantime, Kibuye village disclosed that it had 20 powerful investors who had committed to build modern hotels in the area.

"Among these, there is one investor who offered to construct a standard and model hotel in the whole of the Great Lakes region,” said Cyber Gashanana the Bwishyura executive secretary.

Among its achievements, Kibuye had constructed two safe water taps,  new boats on Lake Kivu and gave out eight heifers to the poor.
