Plastic bags are a serious threat to the environment

Editor, plastic bags are a serious concern to environmental safety, protection and management because those bags – that were used in Rwanda before – were made from non-biodegradable materials. They would end up scattered on our agricultural land and would prevente water penetration into the soil, thereby leading to low agricultural productivity.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013


Plastic bags are a serious concern to environmental safety, protection and management because those bags – that were used in Rwanda before – were made from non-biodegradable materials. They would end up scattered on our agricultural land and would prevente water penetration into the soil, thereby leading to low agricultural productivity.

They were also clogging our drainage systems which would lead to flooding during the rainy season. Additionally, due to the lightweight nature of plastic bags they were being blown and littered throughout Rwanda which hindered our efforts to keep a clean nation.

The plastic bags which were disposed of by burning caused toxic fumes that are released into the atmosphere. So, let us put our efforts together to strive for our well being, as well as health, safety and sustainable environment which do not compromise the better/bright future. 

Bruce Musoni, KigaliRwanda

Reaction to the story, "Paper bag making fails to attract big investors”, (The New Times, June 11)