Police arrest 6 suspects for torching own school

Police have today arrested six teenagers, all first and second year at Byimana School of Sciences, in connection with the recent spate of fires which gutted their school three times since April.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Police have today arrested six teenagers, all first and second year at Byimana School of Sciences, in connection with the recent spate of fires which gutted their school three times since April.

The students, names withheld due to their tender age, were arrested following investigations by a special team of detectives which was set specifically for the matter.

They are currently detained at Nyamagana Police Station, Ruhango District, as Police processes their documents to face trial in a court of law.

According to the Police, all the suspects have confessed to being part of the gang which planned and started the fires.

More details later...