The power of team work

Working as a team at school has proved to be an essential factor and the best possible technique to achieve a student’s desired success. In doing so, students have formed different group discussions with the major aim of combining their abilities and capabilities to achieve the same set goal which is excellence in academics.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Working as a team at school has proved to be an essential factor and the best possible technique to achieve a student’s desired success. In doing so, students have formed different group discussions with the major aim of combining their abilities and capabilities to achieve the same set goal which is excellence in academics.Such group discussions were introduced in almost all classes by the students on their own after finding out that in order to achieve something big, team work has to be given priority. And well, that was greatly welcomed by the school particularly teachers who now provide enough questions to students to research and work them out since they are a team now. Previously, in the early years such group discussions were either few or under utilised. Generally no student had realised its great significance as each student relied on their own efforts. Excellence was for the very few who put in a lot of effort. In a group setting those with low grades as well as those with difficulty in some subjects, are given much more attention ensuring that everyone moves at the same pace. "Before I joined a group, my grades were very poor but after a while I noticed a remarkable improvement. That is when I realized that I should not only use my brain but that I can also learn a lot from my colleagues as well,” said Dan Mutara, a senior six student. My group leader told us about a common idiom; ‘coming together is a beginning, keeping together is progress and working together is success.’ He added that it takes a team to achieve a dream and that we should remember that we have not come to compete with each other but to complement one another. It marks a big step in your development when you come to realise that other people can help you perform better than you could do by yourself. So dear students if you wish to achieve your goals and meet your desired academic targets you must work as a group or a team because team work gives you the best opportunity to turn vision into reality. That’s how it is at my school and well, it has greatly helped students excel like never before. The writer is a student at Kagarama S.S Senior 6