Youth NGO begins service delivery drive

United Nations  Association- Rwanda (UNA-Rwanda), an organisation for the youth, has launched a two-month campaign to advocate for improvement in service delivery.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

United Nations  Association- Rwanda (UNA-Rwanda), an organisation for the youth, has launched a two-month campaign to advocate for improvement in service delivery.The campaign on service delivery, which is also championed by Rwanda Government Board, is slightly different from customer care campaigns undertaken recently, since it will reach service providers as well as customers."We plan to focus on service providers but customers will also be sensitised because most of them are ignorant of their entitlements when it gets to seeking services,” said Elie Ngoga, an expert in services delivery.The campaign is expected to start with students from different universities in the country, who will be delegated as agents of behavioural change in service delivery in their respective communities."If people within public and private sector have been taking service delivery for granted, they have to stop now,” Jackline Masabo Kamanzi, UNA-Rwanda legal representative said.The campaign is to start within five pilot universities including ULK, ISAE Busogo, NUR, RTUC, and UMUTARA Polytechnic University where UNA-Rwanda has its branches.