Kayonza families to relocate from steep hills

At least 14 families living in houses located on steep hillsides and around marshlands in Mwiri Sector of Kayonza District are to be evacuated, after the areas were identified as high risk zones.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

At least 14 families living in houses located on steep hillsides and around marshlands in Mwiri Sector of Kayonza District are to be evacuated, after the areas were identified as high risk zones. This was said by the Minister of Gender and Family Promotion, Oda Gasinzirwa, while addressing hundreds of residents of the sector on the dangers of living on high hills over the week-end.The minister participated in special community work (Umuganda), to clear bushes in an area where some of the affected families will be settled.She warned residents against setting up settlements on high hills or near marshlands, where they were more susceptible to suffer from ills of adverse weather conditions. "You should not settle on these high hills or near swamps because you will always be affected by landslides or floods. You cannot develop yourselves in such circumstances. It is also a national challenge, since we spend most times and resources managing aftermath of disasters, instead of development projects,” she said.The government has started a campaign to resettle all persons living in high risk zones, as a means to deal with disasters like floods and landslides.According to the Mayor of the district, John Mugabo, part of the relocation plan will include a complete and partial compensation. He said that families with the risks were identified and categorised with collaboration of the grassroot leaders, adding that some vulnerable families would receive complete support from the district."There are families that will only be given iron sheets to construct their own houses, while there are those that are needy and will require more than that to relocate. It is all catered for and its financial implication was considered,” he said.About Rwf2.289.000 is earmarked for iron sheets, according to Mugabo.