Keeping your romance alive

Marriages are breaking at a very alarming rate. Just so that your marriage does not make a number to those that are already broken; a few things need  to be emphasized.

Friday, June 07, 2013

Marriages are breaking at a very alarming rate. Just so that your marriage does not make a number to those that are already broken; a few things need  to be emphasized.Open talkCommunication is the foundation of every relationship. If you do not talk from day one of your relationship then you are most likely to lose it on the way. The more you talk the closer you become. The two of you should discuss everything from family, money, sex to careers. Trust each otherNot having to trust each is the worst thing that can ever happen in a relationship. Build trust and let your partner know your fears. Sometimes we have an alarm bell going off in our heads suspecting our partners for things they are not guilty of. If you have your doubts air them out and discuss openly to arrest your fears.Every day is Valentine’s DayI always say every day is Valentine’s Day for me. Shower your partner with lots of love always, instead of waiting for that one day in the year to proclaim your love. Small gestures like buying flowers or cooking special dinner for your partner goes a long way into reminding them of your undying love.Have good sexIt is unAfrican to discuss sex openly, so we are told. But truth be told, sex is a vital part of successful unions. If you are having problems in the bedroom, talk it out with your spouse and consider seeing a sex therapist if the issue requires professional help to get resolved. Create a love nestMake your home conducive environment for yourselves and your visitors. Also create a sanctuary where the two of you have privacy and tranquility. Setting the mood for romance in bedroom should be an everyday thing, and not a once off idea.Support systemThe only way for your relationship to prosper is by building a support system for each other. There are many trials in our everyday life, and as much as we would like to think we will never go through them, we do. Healthy argumentArguing is part of life, and it is healthy in a relationship to argue every once in a while. This is the window to venting out whatever might be going on in your head. Argue and then let go of whatever it might be and make up. Take care of yourselfWomen have a tendency of forgetting themselves especially after giving birth. Do not neglect yourself, go to the gym if you must, but for the sake of the skies look beautiful for your husband and remind him why he fell in love with you in the first place.It takes two to tango; these efforts must come from both sides for them to work.