I’m nervous about my first date!

Hey guys, I have been in relationships before but I have never really gone on an official date. But I met this amazing guy and we are soon going on our first date. My question is what are some of the things I shouldn’t do on the date, like turn-offs? I really like this guy and I don’t want to mess it up.

Wednesday, June 05, 2013

Hey guys,

I have been in relationships before but I have never really gone on an official date. But I met this amazing guy and we are soon going on our first date. My question is what are some of the things I shouldn’t do on the date, like turn-offs? I really like this guy and I don’t want to mess it up.

Annet, 26

The most important thing is to keep time. Secondly, your physical impression is more essential than your IQ on the first date. That means be clean and smart. Look great first then blow him away with your intelligence.

Also respect your date by not paying too much attention to your phone. Focus on your date and don’t get distracted. If it’s an important call, excuse yourself before you pick it.

Also, avoid talking too much especially about yourself or an ex. Doing all the talking means that you don’t care to know about the other person.  Plus, you don’t want to reveal too much too soon and destroy the mystery.

Lastly, don’t get drunk. Not only is this a major turn-off, but it’s also a personal safety thing. Don’t put yourself in a position where you can be taken advantage of. 

Martin, 29, single


The very first thing I would advise you not to do is keep asking people about things you shouldn’t do. I strongly advise that you be yourself and everything will go smoothly and naturally. Yes, everyone freaks out on their first date but it doesn’t call for acting, more so doing things that you normally don’t do. 

If this guy doesn’t like the way you act then he isn’t meant for you. If he really likes you then he will be okay with any act gone wrong, that is of course if you aren’t a weirdo (which I don’t believe you are). There is no good in liking you because of an act you pulled at the date. Be smart and don’t dress up like you are going out with your girls on Single Ladies Night!  Don’t give in to everything he says just because you like him. Do what you feel is right and tell him what is on your mind. And one final thing, only take things to the next level if you think you will be happy with him. 

Patrick, 21, in a stable relationship 


First of all, I want to congratulate you on snagging your first date. It’s extremely rare for someone to go on their first date in their mid-twenties. 

Obviously its because you have an extremely discerning taste in men. I can totally understand why you are nervous. I would be to. Just remember one thing, a less-than-perfect date isn’t the end of the world. So take a deep breath and relax. 

Be yourself. I know that that sounds difficult but in my experience, there is no turn-off quite like a woman who is obviously not being herself. 

There is a reason he’s chosen to go on a date with you; he obviously likes what he’s seen so far. Keep showing him the real you. If he doesn’t like it, then he wasn’t the one for you.

Lincoln, 32, lives with his girlfriend