How do you know when to move on?

In the past, I have talked about moving on from a toxic  work environment and letting it go but lately I have been reading a lot about how hard it is for people, especially women, to know when it’s time to move on.

Wednesday, June 05, 2013

In the past, I have talked about moving on from a toxic  work environment and letting it go but lately I have been reading a lot about how hard it is for people, especially women, to know when it’s time to move on.

I know a lot of my friends are in the same situation as I, whereby, the way you planned your post-grad life isn’t necessarily panning out. Maybe it took you a few years to land your dream job and just a few months down the road, the bills are piling up and you can’t envision yourself going back to school and living income-free.

Whatever the case, you are probably wondering if the job you are in is the right fit. Some people are lucky to have their lives go as planned but they are in the minority. Most of us have to hit a few bumps before we are in the clear.

But how do we know when to move on? Presently, I enjoy my job. Do I love it? Nope, but I didn’t think I would until I got my degree which would give me more freedom to do what I love. But how do you deal with the stressful hours, long days, and low pay when you don’t love it?

People stick to their jobs for different reasons but in our society, lots of young people feel a certain loyalty to their employers for giving them the great opportunities they have. 

Would I be in the position I am today if I was in another country? Probably not. I am in the position I am today because of my hard-work but also due to the trust my employer put in me. Should I now put my dreams on hold until I feel like I have paid my dues? 

Our society does encourage this by making a job more than a job and turning everything into a personal connection.  I have read that signs you should probably move on from your job are, you’re probably not happy, you feel your job is interfering with your life goals and it constantly leaves you unsatisfied at the end of the day. 

It’s probably time to think of ways to either switch positions within the company or switch companies. This is a tough decision but at the end of the day you should put yourself first and what you really feel inside and not think about what others are going to think or that this is your last chance at a good job. 

Just think it through and a decision will be there at the end. You just have to make the leap. 

So ladies do you feel like you’ve reached the end of the train ride at your current job? If so what are your next moves?