We shall not have a manager soon – Urban Boys

The news came as a bit of a shock last week when Urban Boys announced they had parted ways with their longtime manager. 

Tuesday, June 04, 2013
Urban Boys. The New Times / File

The news came as a bit of a shock last week when Urban Boys announced they had parted ways with their longtime manager. 

However, the group insists that the split was amicable and the R&B trio wished Alex Muyoboke the best in his future endeavors. 

Frontman Humble Jizzo, in an interview with The New Times yesterday, dismissed the claims saying Muyoboke’s contract had ended.

"We had a one year contract with Muyoboke and of course, a contract can either be renewed or not based on various issues. But that does not necessarily mean that the parties have differences,” explained Jizzo.

Jizzo revealed that for now the group will operate without a manager until they finish settling their internal matters.

Urban Boys is among 11 local musicians competing to win Rwf24 million, at this year’s Primus Guma Guma SuperStar season three grand prize.

Urban Boys are a Rwandan R&B trio composed of James Manzi, aka Humble Jizzo, Safi Niyibikora, alias Safi Lee and Muhammed Nshimiyimana, also known as Nizzo.

Formed in 2008, the group rose to national fame with their debut album, Icyicaro Today. Urban Boys has more than 70 singles and three studio albums.

The group has worked with numerous local artistes including Riderman and the 2012 Primus Guma Guma SuperStar winner King James and Ugandan artistes namely Jackie Chandiru, Rabadaba and Goodlyfe crew of Weasel & Radio, among others.