Eastern Province urged to go ICT

The People of Eastern Province have been challenged to adopt and effectively use ICT in their daily activities to fast-track development. 

Tuesday, June 04, 2013

The People of Eastern Province have been challenged to adopt and effectively use ICT in their daily activities to fast-track development. 

Jean Philbert Nsengimana, the minister for youth and ICT, who was last week speaking during an ICT literacy campaign in Nyagatare District, said information technology is one of the key pillars of the country’s Vision 2020. 

"In the past, people would say that their profession is farming. Now ICT is the way to go. Our future lies is the use of ICT; if you want to invest, invest in this sector,” Nsengimana said. 

"Our wealth will be determined by how deep technology is entrenched in our lives. If you used to drink two banana wine bottles, take one and save to get an ICT gadget.  ICT must be embedded in everything you do,” he said. 

The campaign seeks to increase awareness of ICT and raise its usage by extending access of technology to communities.  

As part of the campaign, a two-day ICT exhibition was held in Rwimiyaga Sector, which attracted telecommunication companies and banks, among others.