Who is behind the Byimana fires?

When fire gutted a dormitory at  Byimana School of Sciences in Ruhango District on April 23 this year, it was attributed to a probable short circuit.

Monday, June 03, 2013

When fire gutted a dormitory at  Byimana School of Sciences in Ruhango District on April 23 this year, it was attributed to a probable short circuit.

A similar incident at the school again occurred on May 20, which should have raised an alarm, or maybe if it was attributed to faulty or old wiring installations, the school should have taken measures to rectify the problem. But that was not the case.

What the school administration and parents decided was that security should be beefed up around all school buildings, especially the dormitories, because two fires in two months raises eyebrows and the trend is worrying.

But what puzzles in the most harrowing manner is that this week, the pattern was repeated again, an indication that an arsonist may be at work, torching the school for some unknown reasons. It is that UNKNOWN that should be investigated and established.

For a school that has hundreds of students whose security is at risk, the authorities should not take it sitting down because it is not an isolated issue, a dark hand may be behind it.

Our security services are known for their diligence, unearthing or thwarting complicated threats.  Therefore this puzzle should be a stroll in the park for the security service to unlock.