Food prices stable in Kigali

Prices of most essential commodities were stable in most of the major markets around the city yesterday. 

Monday, June 03, 2013

Prices of most essential commodities were stable in most of the major markets around the city yesterday. 

According to the mini-survey conducted by Business Times, a kilogramme of sugar costs between Rwf700 and Rwf800, while a kilo of rice is at between Rwf750 and Rwf900. Beef costs Rwf2,000 per kilogramme and chicken meat is at Rwf3,500 a kilo. A kilogramme of fresh fish goes for Rwf2,000.

A kilogramme of bananas costs Rwf180, that of Irish potatoes is at Rwf500 and millet flour goes for Rwf1,200 per kilogramme. Beans cost between Rwf450 and Rwf500 depending on the type.

Vegetable prices were also unchanged, with tomatoes at between Rwf400 and Rwf500 a kilogramme. Passion fruits, mangoes and pawpaws cost Rwf1,000 a kilogramme in Nyarugenge market.