Over 5,000 complete adult literacy training in Gisagara

More than 5,600 elderly persons have completed adult literacy training in Gisagara District. 

Monday, June 03, 2013

More than 5,600 elderly persons have completed adult literacy training in Gisagara District. 

The course was spearheaded by the Pentecostal Church of Rwanda, with support from CHF/USAID Ejo Heza project. 

Speaking at the award ceremony, the Minister for Internal Security, Sheikh Musa Fazil Harerimana, urged the trainees to put the acquired skills to good use so that they benefit the community. 

Harerimana said illiteracy hampers development and affects people’s livelihoods. 

Illiteracy is a major barrier to welfare and the implementation of development policies, the minister said. 

Sheikh Harerimana reminded the elderly that the government, in conjunction with several partners, has initiated programmes aimed at eradicating illiteracy. 

He cited the education for-all programme and the adult education schemes, and urged them to ensure that every child within their communities is going to school. 

"Whenever a child drops out of school or is forced to do so by their parents, you shouldn’t allow that to happen. Make sure they go back to school,” the minister said.

"Access to education is one of the fundamental rights of the population. No one should be deprived of it.”  

Therese Uwamariya, one of the trainees, said she is optimistic literacy will improve her living conditions.  

Uwamariya said using SMS months ago, she managed to respond to questions on one of the local radio stations and at the end won a mobile phone, radio receiver and mattress in prizes.

"Literacy opens up new horizons and a new way of seeing things, planning and living,” Uwamariya said.   

Amy Davis, the chief of party for the USAID/Ejo Heza, said the project will keep supporting adult education to improve living conditions of the population.