A typical example of how we Rwandans should be

Editor, this is a really heart-warming story that proves that lives can have happy episodes to assuage the pain of the bigger tragedy. May fate continue to smile on this family.

Sunday, June 02, 2013


This is a really heart-warming story that proves that lives can have happy episodes to assuage the pain of the bigger tragedy. May fate continue to smile on this family.

I also wish to commend the humanity of Theoneste Harelimana and his family who took in a poor lost kid picked up from the road and raised him as his own.

We, Rwandans, should be inspired by his example that says we are our brothers’ and sisters’ keepers; that this is even more so in the most dangerous and difficult circumstances. 

To the Harelimanas, you’ve shown that you have moral values. God bless you.

Mwene Kalinda, KigaliRwanda

Reaction to the story, "Genocide survivor reunites with family after 19 years”, (The Saturday Times, June 1)