Kicukiro unveils new offices

The Minister of Local Government, James Musoni’ yesterday commissioned the new Kicukiro district offices located in “Kicukiro Centre”, Kagarama Sector, and newly completed tarmac roads in the district.

Sunday, June 02, 2013

The Minister of Local Government, James Musoni’ yesterday commissioned the new Kicukiro district offices located in "Kicukiro Centre”, Kagarama Sector, and newly completed tarmac roads in the district.

The Minister was accompanied the Mayor of Kicukiro district, Paul Jules Ndamage, the Mayor of the City of Kigali, Fidele Ndayisaba and the Chief of Defence Staff, Lt Gen Charles Kayonga, among others.

Musoni congratulated the leadership of Kicukiro for being consistent, focused, striving for self-reliance and service delivery. In addition, they were commended for their good collaboration with the private sector and other stakeholders.

"Local leaders must be transformational. The secret of Rwandans is their unity, and in unity is strength”, said Musoni.

"With the visionary leadership of our President and the commitment of Kicukiro District, we shall keep progressing. More development projects are on the way, including a stadium to be built in Gahanga sector, and all this must help us to enhance service delivery and improve our standards of living. We only need strong partnership at all levels, and no doubt we shall achieve our plans, like Kicukiro is doing”, he said.

He pledged the Government’s full support and his own advocacy for Kicukiro to continue achieving its vision and development programs.

In his remarks, Ndamage commended the national leadership that keeps emulating self-reliance towards sustainable development. 

The newly inaugurated offices and its equipment cost 726,295,752 RwF which came from the district’s own revenues, specifically taxes collected and paid by the population. Construction works took 16 months. The foundation stone was laid on October 20th, 2011 by the Minister of Local Government.

Ndamage outlined several completed and ongoing development projects, including roads, modern markets, schools, real estate, hospitals and health centres, among others. 

The chairperson of Kicukiro District Council, Dr Jeanne Nyirahabimana, commended the district executive committee for their outstanding performance. She also disclosed that the new office building is named "Kwigira” (self-reliance), because it was wholly financed by the district over a period of one year and half.

The 3 storiedcomplex will accommodate all Kicukiro district services, a conference hall with 200 seats, a fully equipped ICT hall and a canteen.