My brilliant hypothesis

Call me crazy, delusional or whatever pleases you but I will tell you one thing for sure, when you learn to do your own self-examinations you will also doubt yourselves. I had to do some sort of soul searching the other night, trying to figure out why I fall in love with those men that do not always feel the same way. Interesting hypothesis I came up with.

Friday, May 31, 2013

Call me crazy, delusional or whatever pleases you but I will tell you one thing for sure, when you learn to do your own self-examinations you will also doubt yourselves. I had to do some sort of soul searching the other night, trying to figure out why I fall in love with those men that do not always feel the same way. Interesting hypothesis I came up with.But first, let us establish one thing for sure, rejection hurts like a @%*&#! It hurts so bad, constipation has got nothing on it. I am talking about jumping off a bridge and still feeling much better than the idiot who just got rejected.  Anyway, the truth only came to me like a revelation from God at about midnight, while I was tossing and turning in my bed. Apparently, I want what I cannot have, funny right? You spend your whole life being told life is what you make it and that the best things in life are free.Well someone should have at least warned me that the boy in my class isn’t part of the free things, that way my heart would be safe.  For some unknown reason, the minute you show interest in a person they show the opposite ‘no interest’ in you at all and then the trouble begins. It’s like there is a little fire within you that just erupts - you want that boy so bad.It must be something to do with the ego (part of my hypothesis). This got me thinking about some dude in my life who still believes I am the right one for him even though I believe the right one for me is that boy with the dreamy eyes in my class that has shown no interest in me whatsoever.Please understand that I have sent the ‘NO’ signals to the good gentleman and even told his a** straight up that we are never going to happen. But he won’t let go.Although I still go for the dinners and the drink ups (thou shall not judge).If you are like me and hopelessly falling for the men that do not love you back, what can I say apart from wait, hopefully he will smile at you one day.  Otherwise if you are impatient and desperate to be with someone, just keep going for those dinners with that guy that won't leave you alone. Who knows, he might actually be the one.