My smart phone almost cost me an eye

I was sitting in a taxi that looked like it was about to fall apart. The rate at which it was shaking almost got me thinking it was also celebrating 50 years with BCR. The driver was so old they that he was a perfect match for the taxi. Though the strength with which he held the steering wheel (that was almost falling too) said otherwise.

Friday, May 31, 2013

I was sitting in a taxi that looked like it was about to fall apart. The rate at which it was shaking almost got me thinking it was also celebrating 50 years with BCR. The driver was so old they that he was a perfect match for the taxi. Though the strength with which he held the steering wheel (that was almost falling too) said otherwise. This bored guy in the taxi decided to save the day and play music from his phone. He didn’t seem to be shy about increasing the volume. Okay to be honest, the music was good but the sound and the phone it came from was in the same category as the taxi. Politely, it was really awful. I didn’t want to be the first to complain and I waited for someone to say something. There was an old lady behind me and it seemed she had really had enough. She then asked the man to turn down his music. Because the guy was seated next to me, I didn’t want to comment as I wasn’t sure what state of mind he was in. As he turned to look at the old lady, I jeered in protest at the music. Luckily, the guy turned it off. But we hadn’t seen the last of him yet. Next, I saw him dial an Airtel number. You know how cheap Airtel calls to Airtel calls are? He called and spoke in English. To be honest, his English wasn’t that bad, but the way he spoke really killed me. Having just gotten my smart phone I decided to record his conversation and listen to it later and laugh. I would be the most selfish guy if I didn’t save and share it with others. I recorded the guy until the end of the conversation. He got off his phone and I tried to send the audio recording. My smart phone phobia finally surfaced when I played the recording instead. The guy listened to himself and everyone in the taxi burst into laughter. The next thing I knew, my shirt was folded in this man’s wrist till the conductor saved my poor soul.