Would you work for your ex?(Yes, because I’m a professional)

Relationships end all the time, so do marriages these days!  The one mistake I promised myself never to make is to deny myself the opportunity to make my dreams come true. After going through the hassle of studying and making sure I have all the right credentials, why now would I waste that and turn down a job just because my ex is the boss? 

Friday, May 31, 2013

Relationships end all the time, so do marriages these days!  The one mistake I promised myself never to make is to deny myself the opportunity to make my dreams come true. After going through the hassle of studying and making sure I have all the right credentials, why now would I waste that and turn down a job just because my ex is the boss?  When I am looking for a job, the one thing that I consider the most is the salary. So if I am going to get paid well and it is a field I am actually interested in, trust me, the last thing that will clog my mind is the fact that my boss was once my boyfriend.If we broke up, it’s done. Yes I’m sure the breakup was heart wrenching because I am a human being with feelings and emotions but that does not mean it is going to affect every decision I make in life because it’s not the end of the world!If you want to challenge the people who have hurt you, just prove to them that life doesn’t end when they walk away. You pick yourself up and move on. So, this ex turned boss becomes just another colleague. Should we have disagreements, I won’t take it personal but rather like something that happens everywhere because people do not always agree on the same thing! The people who think they can never work for their ex are the people who want the easy things in life and can’t handle stressful conditions.  They’re the same people that will suffer in life because of that poor strategy of ‘not letting go’.If I applied for a job in a certain company only to find that my ex is my boss, I would double my perfection and prove to him that I can work under all conditions without any emotions attached to the relationship we once had. With time, who knows, I might be promoted for my competence and hard work. If you think you can’t stand working for your ex, you better avoid relationships because life has a wicked sense of humour. I know it’s easier said than done, but be strong, move on and act like the professional you should be. Do not let pride get in the way of success because at the end, you are bringing yourself down!