National V-ball star Mutoni solicits funds for operation

THE national team and APR right attacker, Adolphe Mutoni who has been ruled out of competition for the whole season due to a major knee injury is looking for funds to enable him undergo an operation.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013
Adolphe Mutoni admires his best player accolade won in 2012. The New Times/ Courtesy.

THE national team and APR right attacker, Adolphe Mutoni who has been ruled out of competition for the whole season due to a major knee injury is looking for funds to enable him undergo an operation.

Mutoni, a former National University of Rwanda player suffered a knee injury with the national volleyball team under the tutelage of Frenchman Gerard Goullot in 2006 while in a training camp in St Gervais, Lyon in France.

Ever since then, Mutoni has struggled to get treatment but in vain and due to his love for the game, he kept on ignorantly playing the sport, thus continuously damaging the knee.

This year, he was recruited by military side APR volleyball club and part of the negotiations, he was promised to be offered free treatment but the pledge was never fulfilled until he was ruled out of competition recently.

Now, Mutoni needs (Rwf 920.000) to undergo an operation in a FIFA Medical center in Algeria.

"For me to be able to get back and play my loved sport, I will need to undergo an operation in Algeria. This will cost me 1,100 Euros, about Rwf920,000).”

"It seems the injury has aggravated because I have been playing with it. I can’t handle any more because of the intense pain in my knee.”

"I have to use this time that am out of the game to look for finances and even reflect on my career and see if there is anything I can do until I undergo an operation,” added Mutoni.

In 2012, Mutoni was decorated with the 2011 National volleyball league’s best player while still playing his trade with NUR.

Mutoni who is 1.92m tall and weighs 86kg had won a similar prize in 2010 after finishing the season on a bright note alongside Eric Nsabimana commonly known as Machine.