Toning those flabby arms

If you’re the kind that can’t wear short-sleeved dresses or tops and are always covered up in sweaters and shawls because of flabby arms, then you’re not helping the situation. It’s painful to admire short sleeved dresses but you can’t buy or wear them simply because you feel your arms are too saggy.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

If you’re the kind that can’t wear short-sleeved dresses or tops and are always covered up in sweaters and shawls because of flabby arms, then you’re not helping the situation. It’s painful to admire short sleeved dresses but you can’t buy or wear them simply because you feel your arms are too saggy.

Well, instead of covering up like your hiding a terrible scar and missing out on the latest trends, toning those flabby arms is the best solution. 

Charlotte Akanyana 26, a fitness freak, is a real life example that flabby arms can be tonned and muscles tightened.

"I used to be very uncomfortable with my flabby arms yet I also hated long sleeved clothes. I started jogging at least three times a week and doing more house chores in order to tighten my arm muscles. Now I’m in love with my arms and can wear everything confidently,” she said.

Akanyana advises that women should find time to exercise and not be lazy in order to avoid sagging arms. Healthy eating is definitely important as well. If your diet mainly constitutes of oily foods then your body is definitely going to store up fats that will be distributed, thus leading to weight gain in all the wrong places.

In order to deal with saggy skin, skipping can also help and will burn the fat in your body. According to The Examiner website, the more muscle you develop, the less fat you will retain. Your arms will begin to look and feel tight and toned and the sleeveless attire that was once unflattering will become the perfect fit for your body’s shape.

So what’s important here is to exercise and watch your diet, especially through eating healthy and avoiding foods that lead to high cholesterol. You’ll have your arms back in shape in no time.