I still have time to be selfish

I recently read a column on Huffington Post by a young woman telling her fellow 20-something’s that their 20’s is a time for them to be selfish and not in a bad way but to put themselves first.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

I recently read a column on Huffington Post by a young woman telling her fellow 20-something’s that their 20’s is a time for them to be selfish and not in a bad way but to put themselves first.

She states she is a great daughter, sister and friend to all those around her but she realises certain decisions need to be made based on an individual’s feelings and not the feelings of others. 

This is very true as I have stated in the past that people will always have an opinion on what you do with your life.

I like her example of the decision to move post-university. She gives the scenario of you having to choose to follow your boyfriend to another country or you taking a job in a totally different country and on top of that, your mother wanting you to stay close to home. Who do you put first in this situation? 

In that scenario it can go either way and work out for you but it is really all about what you want at the end of the day. If you want to support your boyfriend in his new job and follow him to that country then it will work out. 

There is always another job. As for your dream job in the other country, you won’t regret not taking it because you will be happy and if you choose the dream job over the boy, then you should not look back and enjoy the new job to its fullest. With your mother, she will understand your decision, that it’s her job to support you no matter what.

I’m currently going through a similar process of having to make a big decision that could leave me in a happier place or me crashing into a wall really hard with no money to my name (not that I have that much right now). 

I have tried to seek the advice of those around which has been pretty successful but a part of me feels that if I made this decision it would be a very selfish move that would leave others around not so happy.

But am I happy now?

This is what we 21st century women really have to think about. There will always be another job, another man and another friend that is meant to be in your life. 

Let us stop always thinking about others and be selfish for once because hey, when the kids roll around, this won’t be so applicable.