ICC should not discriminate in rendering justice

Editor, I read Sunny Ntayombay’s opinion, “African choice: Either leave the ICC, or die by its sword”, in The New Times of May 29, but I can say that it is not wise to propose to African states to get out of ICC. 

Wednesday, May 29, 2013


I read Sunny Ntayombay’s opinion, "African choice: Either leave the ICC, or die by its sword”, in The New Times of May 29, but I can say that it is not wise to propose to African states to get out of ICC. 

African states signed the Rome Statutes that established ICC because they believed in international justice and are committed in fighting against impunity.

If it happens that most of the judiciary cases tabled now before the court are from African continent, it is not the fault of ICC. It is rather simply because those who committed the crimes happen to be Africans. 

I would agree with him if he proves to me that the crimes referred to by ICC were not committed at all.

The question to why ICC is not investigating and prosecuting those who committed crimes in Europe or America is another issue that should be dealt with separately. 

Peter, KigaliRwanda