ICT> MYICT, DOT to train Rwanda’s youth

On Monday, DOT Rwanda signed an agreement with the Ministry of Youth and ICT to deliver its empowerment, employment and entrepreneurship programmes through the ministry’s Youth Empowerment for Global Opportunity (YEGO) centres reaching out to Rwandan youth across the country.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

On Monday, DOT Rwanda signed an agreement with the Ministry of Youth and ICT to deliver its empowerment, employment and entrepreneurship programmes through the ministry’s Youth Empowerment for Global Opportunity (YEGO) centres reaching out to Rwandan youth across the country.Minister Jean Philbert Nsengimana signed on behalf of the ministry while the DOT CEO and President, Janet Longmore who is visiting the country, signed on behalf of DOT Rwanda. In a brief speech he said, "We have been working with DOT for quite some time and we are pleased with the partnership that has seen us train many Rwandans in ICT skills from those at Iwawa all the way to cabinet.”The YEGO centres operate under the Ministry of Youth and ICT and were set up to serve the youth by running various programmes that tackle the socio economic development issues that youth face such as unemployment and lack of skills. These centres are equipped with ICT facilities that are open to youth for training often offered free of charge.DOT Rwanda has been a major contributor to the capacity building of youth in Rwanda for the last three years. Its economic empowerment programmes have served over 30,000 youth with technology and entrepreneurship skills. DOT Rwanda has built on its model of peer-to-peer learning that engages and trains local young university and college graduates, who are typically graduating into unemployment, to become role models and leaders of change in their communities. They are prepared to become job creators and not job seekers. DOT Rwanda will engage its interns to train youth and women who are from the communities wthin the vicinity of the centres. These programme beneficiaries will go on to be connected to follow up services under YEGOs Employability, Entrepreneurship and Youth Placement Programs namely apprenticeships and job skills development, business mentorships, financial access services and job information systems.