A sovereign wealth fund can accelerate development
Monday, July 24, 2023
A Sovereign Wealth Fund (SWF) is basically a country’s endowment to future generations

Just as individuals must invest and save for the future, so must countries. A Sovereign Wealth Fund (SWF) is basically a country’s endowment to future generations. It is not a fund to be plundered and used to meet current needs, but a savings account that must accumulate over time and be used to meet future developmental needs.

It is a fact that mining and other resources of any country cannot be replenished and it is therefore important to save the income generated from those depleting resources for the future. A SWF can also be used to replenish the resource industry in the future and replace industries. Huge income earned from resources can easily be abused and the sovereign wealth fund can be a mechanism to ring fence or protect that income from immediate abuse, and cushion the country from the risk of sudden large inflows of excess income. This, of course, requires discipline, patience and foresight.

A sovereign wealth fund can only be viable where there is disciplined fiscal management and there is no temptation to use that money for recurrent expenditure. This implies that we must seek to maximise the returns on the savings and invest them prudently so that the investment value of the Sovereign Wealth Fund increases with time before we can start spending. We must also ensure that where we invest Sovereign Wealth Fund income, we achieve real returns. The Fund must be managed like a stand-alone investment portfolio that is well diversified and at least, beats inflation.

Critical of course, is that the management of this fund is removed from unnecessary political interference. Establishing a viable Sovereign Wealth Fund takes time and discipline. Critical are the institutional arrangements around the collection of income, investment strategy, funds management, risk monitoring and evaluation and the investment processes adopted.

What must happen first is the efficient management and maximisation of resource revenues including transparency and accountability within the resources sector. The developmental integrity of any government plays a significant role for a country to have a viable Sovereign Wealth Fund. This means that, the institutional political economy, structure and culture of the government is very important and will determine the success of a Sovereign Wealth Fund. Transparency and accountability in government to ensure that government never acts as a reckless owner of the country’s resources but rather as a responsible custodian of national assets is a critical success factor.

There is no doubt that a sovereign wealth fund can make significant positive impact on the wealth of the country in the future and can also improve the quality of life of all citizens.

High corporate governance standards, especially in government institutions who have the responsibility to manage and allocate investment resources require a professional approach to funds management. Any cadre deployment not based on merit, political favours and lack of accountability in any government compromises the developmental agenda and costs future generations.

Norway has the largest ($1.3 trillion) and most successful SWF in the world and the reasons for its success include;