Howto: Be the best parent

In today’s societies, many people especially parents who are key instrumental to teaching children sociable manners confuse the word discipline with punishment.

Saturday, July 05, 2008

In today’s societies, many people especially parents who are key instrumental to teaching children sociable manners confuse the word discipline with punishment.

But these two words are not interchangeable in definition.
Discipline focuses on teaching a child right from wrong, and how to make good decisions, while providing security and a stable environment where the child feels loved.

James Byaruhanga, a social worker, said that parents can change their child’s by using of these few simple techniques below.

Remain calm

It’s always important to note that the child learns from the parent’s behavior within their home settings. For the child to see their parent loosing their temper, the child assumes that such a behavior is socially acceptable.

Yelling and screaming at the child will ensure that the behavior will be reciprocated at some certain points in the child’s life.

As a parent, emphasise that the portrayed behavior is unacceptable and try to move an extra mile to explain to the child why that very behavior is not allowed.

Avoid beating

Physical punishment has been proven to make children more aggressive. Studies have also shown that it is in no way more effective than any other form of punishment for any child.

Punishment makes the child harbor anger and resentment, which leads to the development of other misbehaviors, most especially as the child gets older.

Use positive reinforcement

Be sure to praise the child when she or he does something good. Be sincere in the praise, and be careful not to over praise, since it won’t be as effective as you could assume. Also, offer rewards whenever desirable behavior prevails.

Be a positive role model

Some parents in societies do silly thing in front the child thinking that the child is not grasping anything. Even if the child is too young always remember that a little pair of eyes is constantly watching you and learning from every action that you’re doing.

Limit negativity

A good rule of thumb is two positive reinforcements for every criticism. If the child never hears anything good, his self esteem will suffer.

Try as much as you can not to laugh even if the behavior provokes laughs. No matter how idiotic, silly or downright hilarious a child may appear to you, laughing will only make the situation worse thus hindering children learning.
