President Kikwete’s comments were utterly disappointing

Editor,Allow me to express my disappointment about President Jakaya Kikwete’s comments at the 50th Anniversary of the African Union where he suggested that Rwanda should sit on the negotiation table with FDLR.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Editor,Allow me to express my disappointment about President Jakaya Kikwete’s comments at the 50th Anniversary of the African Union where he suggested that Rwanda should sit on the negotiation table with FDLR.By suggesting this, President Kikwete revealed his ignorance about the history of the region and insensitivity to the people of Rwanda. How do you negotiate with FDLR – a group responsible for the mass murder of more than one million innocent Rwandans during the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi? Kikwete is also ignorant of the fact that FDLR has been placed on the list of international terror groups; this also makes the issue of negotiations impossible. As a Rwandan, I also agree that the Kinshasa government needs to have dialogue with M23 so that peace in the region is ensured. The local government in Kinshasa can then help Rwanda to disarm the FDLR rebels – but negotiating with FDLR is an insult and lack of sympathy to the people of Rwanda. Being a neighbour of Rwanda, The Tanzanian President should have taken time to reflect on what he had to utter before making himself doubtful in the eyes of the Rwandan people. President Kikwete should revise his diplomatic notes to ensure he does not touch unhealed wounds suffered during the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi. Franklin Murangira Gakuba, Nyamata, Rwanda