How expensive is a handkerchief?'

I have always known handkerchiefs, or hankies as some people prefer to call them, to be very cheap pieces of cloth. However, the rate at which some folks in the city are flaunting their PPN would make one think hankies are as expensive as a ticket to Syria.

Monday, May 27, 2013

I have always known handkerchiefs, or hankies as some people prefer to call them, to be very cheap pieces of cloth. However, the rate at which some folks in the city are flaunting their PPN would make one think hankies are as expensive as a ticket to Syria.Wait, PPN is not some political party waiting to be registered for the next presidential polls; it stands for Public Display of Nuisance.The PPN brigade in town are unabashedly shameless. The other day, I had just greeted this chap and we were starting our jazz when he thought it wise to stick his index finger deep into his nostrils. He probed dipper and dipper while twisting it at every turn. I don’t know what his poor index finger emerged with, for I was long gone before he had twisted the poor index finger twice. I wasn’t about to stand there and retch just because a certain species finds the guts to engage in his PPN. I wouldn’t mind if he used a hankie to do it in public, however awkwardly. These small pieces of cloth are not only cheap but should also handy. Sweat, blowing nose, sneezing, drying hands... we use it for many reasons. In fact, my Primary One teacher said a hygiene-conscious person must carry at least two sets of hankies. The teacher said the one for drying hands and sweat must not be used for blowing the nose. But don’t tell this to the PPN brigade; they prefer the animal way of doing things in public.These are the type who will remove gobs and proceed to roll it between their thumb and index finger, before rubbing the darn thing under the table in the office. Please PPNs, improvise with hankies!- Noisy Maxi